Scientific Solutions ® Inc.
LabRack ® BNC PRO
The LabRack BNC PRO provides convenient industry standard BNC connections for the LabMaster signals in an industry standard 19" rackmount configuration (3U high).
The unit directly provides support for 64 Analog input channels!
Additionally, the LabRack BNC unit can be expanded to provide more Analog Outputs, Digital I/O signals and even more Analog Inputs - up to 256 inputs for the LabMaster PRO!
The rackmount configuration makes it ideal for the laboratory, while its generous expansion capabilities means never running out signal capability again!
BNC connections are ideal for many applications. They are widely used and standard patch cables are easily obtained. They are rugged, yet easy to use and stay connected with the "twist-on" locking feature of the connector.
The unit directly supports 64 Analog Input signals - 16 using front mounted BNC connections and the rest using DB25 connections on the back of the unit. The unit also supports Analog Out, Digital I/O and Counter/Timer control signals.
The LabRack BNC PRO unit uses a 68 pin connector, and thus requires that you have a LabMaster PRO with the same 68 pin connector. Note that some LabMaster PRO cards come with 68 pin, while others have 60 pin connectors.
The connection from the LabRack BNC PRO to the LabMaster PRO is via the cable that is provided with the LabMaster PRO card.
Front of the LabRack BNC PRO unit has the following BNC connections:
- 16 Analog Input
- Ain channel 0 to 15
- 2 Analog Output
- Aout channel 0 and 1
- 8 Digital Input
- Din bit 0 to 7
- 8 Digital Output
- Dout bit 0 to 7
- 9 Counter/Timer
- Timer Gate 1, 2
- Timer Source 1, 2 & 3
- Timer Out 1, 2, 3 & 4
- +5v
- Ground
Back of the LabRack BNC PRO unit has the following DB25F connections:
- 16 Analog Input
- Ain channel 16 to 31
- 16 Analog Input
- Ain channel 32 to 47
- 16 Analog Input
- Ain channel 48 to 63
- Counter / Timer Signals
- For Expansion
- Digital I/O
- For Digital Expansion
- Analog Expansion
- For use with the LabMaster PRO for up to 256 Analog Input signals