Scientific Solutions ® Inc.

LabMaster ® DPCI Product Family

LabMaster DPCI - RC DeskTop LabMaster DPCI - ST DeskTop
LabMaster DPCI - PCI card
LabMaster DPCI - MJ DeskTop LabMaster DPCI - BNC DeskTop

The LabMaster DPCI is a full-featured data acquisition product that consists of a small PCI card that installs inside the computer and a convenient DeskTop unit. The PCI card and the DeskTop unit are connected using a single quick-connect round cable

The PCI card provides the interface to the computer's bus and the DeskTop unit contains convenient signal connections. Several types of DeskTop units are available that provide a full range of connection options including Ribbon Cables, Screw Terminals, 3.5mm (1/8") stereo jacks and BNC.

In addition to providing convenient signal connections, the LabMaster DPCI DeskTop unit also houses the main data acquisition circuitry. This out-of-the-computer implementation helps to isolate the sensitive analog signal conditioning circuitry from the computer and results in exceptional ultra-low noise measurements.

This product is intended for new applications and also to replace LabMaster ISA cards with a PCI solution.

Features of the LabMaster DPCI

For use in such diverse applications such as Voltage Clamp (pCLamp); EEG/EKG Neurological measurements; Psycho-Physiology, Industrial Process Control; Laboratory Instrumentation Test, Measurement and Control; Gravitational Meters; and Fluorescence Research Instrumentation; - the LabMaster DPCI products are available in several models and external connection options.

PCI solution for LabMaster ISA customers!

Customers who need to migrate from ISA to PCI computers and want to keep using their existing software originally written for the LabMaster DMA / ISA product should consider the LabMaster DPCI. The LabMaster DPCI was specifically designed with this idea in mind and is 100% hardware register level compatible with the LabMaster 20009 and DMA ISA cards. This means it will run most software written for the original LabMaster ISA product with little or no modification (i.e. depends upon use of Interrupts and DMA programming).

Features of the LabMaster DPCI as compared to the LabMaster DMA / ISA

LabMaster DPCI with Ribbon Cable DeskTop Unit

LabMaster DPCI with Ribbon Cable DeskTop Unit
Image LabMaster DPCI Ribbon Cable Unit LabMaster DPCI Ribbon Cable Unit
Part Number Following products have 12-bit 50Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
811110 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=HGE)
811113 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGH)
811114 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGL)

Following products have 12-bit 160Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
811120 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=HGE)
811121 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGH)
811122 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGL)

Following product does not have an ADC
811118 (ADC: none)
Title LabMaster DPCI with Ribbon Cable DeskTop Unit

The LabMaster DPCI with Ribbon Cable DeskTop Unit are versions of the LabMaster DPCI with a DeskTop unit that replicates the Ribbon Cable Connections that are found on the LabMaster DMA ISA cards. This allows current ISA ribbon cable users to maintain the same cable arrangement to their other equipment while upgrading to a PCI solution

  • Small PCI card for inside the computer
  • Single Round Cable from PCI card to DeskTop Unit
  • You choose ADC speed you need
    • Choices are 50Khz or 160Khz
  • You choose Gain options you need
    • Choices are:
      • HGE, Hardware Gain of 1 (can change to any gain)
      • PGH, Software Programmable gain of 1, 2, 4, 8
      • PGL, Software Programmable gain of 1, 10, 100
  • Version available with no ADC for these situations:
    • Customer does not need the ADC, but still wants Analog Out, Counter / Timer, Digital I/O
    • Customer has a LabMaster DMA "daughterboard" integrated into other equipment
  • Ribbon Cable Connections on the back of the unit
    • J10, 10 pin header, Digital I/O
    • J11, 50 pin header, Digital I/O
    • J8, 50 pin header, Counter / Timer
    • J1, 10 pin header, Analog Out
    • P1 Analog Input Header
      • 40 pin header when unit has ADC
      • 50 pin header when unit does not have ADC
Product Includes LabMaster DPCI computer card, Ribbon Cable DeskTop Unit, Power supply, Cable from card to unit, CDROM with driver and LabPac Library, User's Guide
Manual LabMaster DPCI User's Guide
Datasheet LabMaster DPCI with Ribbon Cable DeskTop Unit Datasheet(PDF)
Product Specifications Ribbon Cable DeskTop Unit Full Description and Specifications

LabMaster DPCI Full Description and Specifications
Software Win32 Device Drivers with LabPac32 function library
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LabMaster DPCI with Screw Terminal DeskTop Unit

LabMaster DPCI with Screw Terminal DeskTop Unit
Image LabMaster DPCI Screw Terminal Unit
Part Number Following products have 12-bit 50Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
815356 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=HGE)
815357 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGH)
815358 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGL)

Following products have 12-bit 160Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
815359 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=HGE)
815360 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGH)
815361 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGL)
Title LabMaster DPCI with Screw Terminal DeskTop Unit

The LabMaster DPCI with Screw Terminal Connections are versions of the LabMaster DPCI with a DeskTop unit that contains Screw Terminals for the I/O signals. This allows you to use discrete wires to connect your various signals.

  • Small PCI card for inside the computer
  • Single Round Cable from PCI card to DeskTop Unit
  • You choose ADC speed you need
    • Choices are 50Khz or 160Khz
  • You choose Gain options you need
    • Choices are:
      • HGE, Hardware Gain of 1 (can change to any gain)
      • PGH, Software Programmable gain of 1, 2, 4, 8
      • PGL, Software Programmable gain of 1, 10, 100
  • Screw Terminal connections for each LabMaster DPCI signal
    • Analog In, 16 terminals
    • Analog Out, 2 terminals
    • Digital I/O, 24 terminals
    • Counter / Timer, 16 terminals
    • Control, 2 terminals
Product Includes LabMaster DPCI computer card, Screw Terminal DeskTop Unit, Power supply, Cable from card to unit, CDROM with driver and LabPac Library, User's Guide
Manual LabMaster DPCI User's Guide
Datasheet LabMaster DPCI with Screw Terminal Unit Datasheet(PDF)
Product Specifications Screw Terminal DeskTop Unit Full Description and Specifications

LabMaster DPCI Full Description and Specifications
Software Win32 Device Drivers with LabPac32 function library
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LabMaster DPCI with MiniJack DeskTop Unit

LabMaster DPCI with MiniJack DeskTop Unit
Image LabMaster DPCI MiniJack Unit
Part Number Following products have 12-bit 50Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
815370 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=HGE)
815371 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGH)
815372 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGL)

Following products have 12-bit 160Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
815373 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=HGE)
815374 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGH)
815375 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGL)
Title LabMaster DPCI with MiniJack DeskTop Unit

The LabMaster DPCI with MiniJack DeskTop Unit are versions of the LabMaster DPCI with a DeskTop unit that contains 3.5mm (1/8") stereo signal connectors.

  • Small PCI card for inside the computer
  • Single Round Cable from PCI card to DeskTop Unit
  • You choose ADC speed you need
    • Choices are 50Khz or 160Khz
  • You choose Gain options you need
    • Choices are:
      • HGE, Hardware Gain of 1 (can change to any gain)
      • PGH, Software Programmable gain of 1, 2, 4, 8
      • PGL, Software Programmable gain of 1, 10, 100
  • Convenient MiniJack Connections on the front
    • Analog Input, 16 connections
    • Digital I/O, 16 Connnections
    • Analog Output, 2 Conections
    • User Configurable, 2 Connectionns
Product Includes LabMaster DPCI computer card, MiniJack DeskTop Unit, Power supply, Cable from card to unit, CDROM with driver and LabPac Library, User's Guide
Manual LabMaster DPCI User's Guide
Datasheet LabMaster DPCI with MiniJack DeskTop Unit Datasheet(PDF)
Product Specifications MiniJack DeskTop Unit Full Description and Specifications

LabMaster DPCI Full Description and Specifications
Software Win32 Device Drivers with LabPac32 function library
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LabMaster DPCI with BNC DeskTop Unit

LabMaster DPCI with BNC DeskTop Unit
Image LabMaster DPCI BNC Unit
Part Number Following products have 12-bit 50Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
815362 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=HGE)
815363 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGH)
815364 (ADC: 12-bit 50Khz, Gain=PGL)

Following products have 12-bit 160Khz ADC with Gain options as shown:
815365 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=HGE)
815366 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGH)
815367 (ADC: 12-bit 160Khz, Gain=PGL)
Title LabMaster DPCI with BNC DeskTop Unit

The LabMaster DPCI with BNC DeskTop Unit are versions of the LabMaster DPCI with a DeskTop unit that contains BNC signal connectors.

  • Small PCI card for inside the computer
  • Single Round Cable from PCI card to DeskTop Unit
  • You choose ADC speed you need
    • Choices are 50Khz or 160Khz
  • You choose Gain options you need
    • Choices are:
      • HGE, Hardware Gain of 1 (can change to any gain)
      • PGH, Software Programmable gain of 1, 2, 4, 8
      • PGL, Software Programmable gain of 1, 10, 100
  • Convenient BNC Connections on the front
    • Analog Input, 16 connections
    • Digital I/O, 24 Connnections
    • Analog Output, 2 Conections
    • Power, 2 Connectionns
Product Includes LabMaster DPCI computer card, BNC DeskTop Unit, Power supply, Cable from card to unit, CDROM with driver and LabPac Library, User's Guide
Manual LabMaster DPCI User's Guide
Datasheet LabMaster DPCI with BNC DeskTop Unit Datasheet(PDF)
Product Specifications BNC DeskTop Unit Full Description and Specifications

LabMaster DPCI Full Description and Specifications
Software Win32 Device Drivers with LabPac32 function library
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LabMaster DPCI Software

LabPac for Windows
Image LabPac for Windows CDROM picture
Part Number 821012
Title LabPac Kit-32 for Windows

LabPac Kit for Windows is a full featured function library that is the Application Programming Interface (API) for all of the Scientific Solutions data acquisition products. The LabPac32 library works with the Scientific Solutions 32-bit, Ring-0, Kernel-Mode Device Drivers to provide a fast, efficient and optimized software program environment.

Simple to use functions handle event counting, precision timing, analog input, analog output, digital input and digital output. LabPac32 is implemented as a standard Dynamic Link Library (DLL) for open compatibility with programming languages and environments.

  • Software Development toolkit for creating your own applications
  • Comes complete with Device Drivers for Scientific Solutions Products
    • WDM Driver supports Win98, Win2K, WinXP, Vista32
    • LabPac32 DLL as the Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Software Developer Example Programs
    • Compiled EXE programs
    • Source Code
    • Header files
  • LabPac API
    • Full Featured Function Dynamic Link Library
    • Develop general or specialized Data Acquisition and Control applications
    • Optimized for speed and flexibility
    • Communicates directly with the 32-bit, Ring-0, Kernel-Mode Device Driver
    • Multi-language support
      • Examples are C, C++, C#, DotNet, Fortran, Pascal, VisualBasic, Java, LabView, etc.
    • Timed interval processes
    • Trigger functions on external events
    • Supports hardware interrupts, DMA and BusMastering
Product Includes LabPac32 for Windows software
Manual Not Available
Datasheet Not Available
Product Specifications Full Description and Specifications
Software LabPac32 for Windows Device Drivers and function library
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LabPac for DOS
Image LabPac for DOS CDROM picture
Part Number 811898
Title LabPac for DOS
Overview LabPac for DOS is a sophisticated memory resident driver. It provides DOS applications with a complete data acquisition library that includes functions to handle event counting, precision timing, analog input, analog output, digital input and digital output. LabPac installs as a BIOS-level software interrupt, allowing any language that runs under DOS access to its various functions. Introduced in 1981 for the PC, it is available to support our long-time customers who continue to use DOS based products.
  • DOS Installable Device Driver and Function Library
    • Device Drivers to virtualize physical hardware
    • Library provides wealth of easy-to-use functions
  • Optimized for speed and flexibility
  • Continued support for numerous Scientific Solutions Products:
    • BaseBoard (ISA and PCI)
    • DADIO
    • LabTender
    • LabMaster DMA
    • LabMaster DPCI
  • BIOS-Level Memory Resident Driver with Multi-Language support
    • Callable from any DOS programming language
  • Timed Interval processes
  • Data files in binary or ASCII format
  • World's first Data Acqusition programming environment for the pc
Product Includes LabPac for DOS software
Manual Not Available
Datasheet Not Available
Product Specifications Full Description and Specifications
Software LabPac for DOS Device Driver and function library
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LabMaster DPCI Accessories

LabMaster DPCI: Computer card only
Image LabMaster DPCI / PCI card only
Part Number 811115
Title LabMaster DPCI: Computer card only

This part number is for the LabMaster DPCI computer card only. You would purchase this item if you wanted a spare card.

  • Small PCI computer interface
    • measures 2" x 3" (51mm x 76mm)
  • 6 foot cable to connect PCI card to DeskTop unit
  • Spare card if your existing card becomes damaged
  • Additional card if you want to move DeskTop unit between computers
Product Includes
  • LabMaster DPCI Computer Interface Card
  • 6 foot cable to connect to DeskTop unit
Manual LabMaster DPCI User's Guide
Datasheet LabMaster DPCI card Datasheet(PDF)
Product Specifications Full Description and Specifications
Software Win32 Device Drivers with LabPac32 function library
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Cable, DB25M-DB25F, 6 ft. (1.8m)
Image cable picture
Part Number 361045
Title Cable, DB35M to DB25F, 6 foot
Overview Round shielded cable with a DB25 Male connector on one end and a DB25 Female connector on the other end.
  • DB25M to DB25F cable
  • 6 ft. (1.8 m) length
  • Thumb screws
  • Shielded
Product Includes Cable
Manual Not Available
Datasheet Not Available
Product Specifications Full Description and Specifications
Software Not Applicable
FAQ None
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DeskTop Power Supply
Image DeskTop Power Supply
Part Number 301071
Title DeskTop Power Supply
Overview DeskTop power supply plugs into AC mains and provides DC voltage for the DeskTop unit.
  • Voltage Range
    • 90-110v USA
    • 100-220v Outside USA
  • AC Mains Plug matches country of Destination
  • Overvoltage and Short-circuit protection
Product Includes One DeskTop Power supply with attached AC and DC cables
Manual Not Available
Datasheet Not Available
Product Specifications Not Available
Software Not Applicable
FAQ None
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